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HomeTechnologySamsung Galaxy Ring: A New Contender in the Wearable Tech Arena

Samsung Galaxy Ring: A New Contender in the Wearable Tech Arena

In Short

  • Health Focus: Tracks sleep, vitals (heart rate, SpO2), and potentially stress, aiming to compete with Samsung Galaxy Ring with Oura Ring.
  • Additional Features: May offer smart home control, contactless payments, and gesture control (details unclear).
  • Design: Expected in multiple sizes and colors, water-resistant, but currently Android-only.
  • Competition: Needs to stand out with features, accuracy, battery life, and price compared to existing options.
  • Release: Scheduled for late summer 2024, details may change before then.

At its Galaxy Unpacked event in January 2024, Samsung unveiled the Samsung Galaxy Ring, which caused a stir in the wearable technology industry. With a specific focus on the well-liked Oura Ring, this upcoming smart ring is expected to be a significant competitor in the health and fitness tracker market. Here is an overview of what we currently know about the Samsung Galaxy Ring, even though the official release date is still scheduled for sometime in the late summer of 2024.

Focus on Health and Wellness

The main purpose of the Samsung Galaxy Ring is to track wellness and health. Samsung has stressed that it will integrate seamlessly with its current Samsung Health platform, even though specifics are still lacking. This implies features such as:

Sleep tracking: Sleep tracking involves keeping an eye on blood oxygen levels, heart rate variability (HRV), and sleep patterns in order to identify signs of sleep apnea.

Health monitoring: Monitoring vital signs such as blood oxygen level, heart rate, and possibly blood flow (rumor has it).

Stress management: Providing information about stress levels and strategies for controlling them.

Activity tracking: Tracking the number of steps taken and calories burned, among other basic activity metrics.

Samsung Galaxy Ring
Samsung Galaxy Ring

Additional Features of Samsung Galaxy Ring

In addition to monitoring health, the Galaxy Ring is purported to provide:

Smart home control: Using Samsung’s Smart Things platform to operate smart devices.

Wireless payments: Using Samsung Pay to make contactless purchases.

Gesture control: Though specifics are scarce, gestures may be used for various purposes.

Design and Accessibility

Although official specs are still unknown, rumors indicate that the Samsung Galaxy Ring will come in a variety of colors and sizes to accommodate a range of tastes. For daily use, water resistance is also anticipated. Nevertheless, the Galaxy Ring is presently intended to be Android-only, which may limit its initial reach, in contrast to Samsung’s Galaxy Watch.

Competition and Expectations

The Samsung Galaxy Ring will join a competitive market dominated by well-known brands like Oura. Several things will determine whether it succeeds, such as:

Feature Set: Including features that are more appealing than those offered by rivals.

Reliability and Accuracy: Making sure that the data collected for health metrics is accurate and trustworthy.

Battery life: Finding a balance between functionality and enough time between charges for prolonged use.

Price Point: Determining a price that is competitive with what is currently available.


The Samsung Galaxy Ring has the potential to revolutionize the wearable technology industry. Its emphasis on well-being and health, along with some potentially useful features, might make it an appealing choice for people who are concerned about their health. With a release date of late summer 2024, there is still a lot of information to be discovered before determining its actual market impact.


Q. 1. How does one use the Galaxy Ring?

A. 1. Expectedly, the Galaxy Ring will be centered around tracking health and wellness, which will include vitals (heart rate, SpO2), sleep patterns, and possibly stress levels. It may also provide contactless payments, gesture control, and smart home control.

Q. 2. When is the Galaxy Ring going to be available?

A. 2. Samsung plans to release in late summer 2024, though exact dates may vary.

Q. 3. What is the price of the Galaxy Ring?

A. 3. Although Samsung hasn’t disclosed the cost yet, comparable smart rings, such as Oura Ring, usually retail for ₹ 22300 to ₹ 29000.

Q. 4. Will iPhones and the Galaxy Ring be compatible?

A. 4. As of right now, the Galaxy Ring is only supposed to work with Android smartphones.

Q. 5. What distinguishes the Galaxy Watch from the Galaxy Ring in particular?

A. 5. The Galaxy Watch has more features, such as a display and extra functionalities, whereas the Galaxy Ring is smaller and primarily intended for tracking health and wellness.


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